Monday, April 23, 2007

Tanga Puzzles: April 23 - April 29

Here are the daily clues for the Tanga puzzles this week. To see the hint, highlight the space to the right of the date.

I don't give away answers here, just a small hint each day to help get you started or past a rough patch. If you want stronger hints, you can check the blog on the Tanga site itself, which is chock full of spoilers.

While I avoid giving away the answers on this page, be warned that there may be spoilers in the comments to this post, so open those with care.

Good luck!

April 23: David Arnott's had a bit of a monopoly on Tanga this past week. This puzzle is the last in his series of 7, and it's pretty straightforward.

April 24: Use the question twice (differently).

April 25: Remember the origins of green and orange.

April 26: Key clue words are "holding" and "hand."

April 27: It's a puzzle-thon! 44 puzzles which will be posted 1 an hour through Sunday afternoon. I'll see if I can clue them sometime this weekend, but I might have trouble keeping up.

April 29: That's Tom Jones, and below him is the Phillipines, and to the right is the flag of Iran. Not much of a clue, but hopefully it saved you some legwork.

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