Monday, July 31, 2006

I want to comment but don't know how!

I've gotten some requests to explain how to leave comments on this blog. I'll do my best to explain it here:

First, click on the words below any post that say "[#] comments"

A pop-up box will appear (if you have popups blocked, you may need to allow popups)

Under the box for comments, there is a sentence that says "This blog does not allow anonymous comments," and below that, there is a line: "No Blogger account? Sign up here." Click on "Sign up here."

Fill in the information on the Create an Account screen and hit continue.

YOU ARE NOW ALL SET TO COMMENT. You can close the popup and click on comments again, and you will be signed in already. Or, you can continue on and set up your own blog (took me 4 months to get myself to that point).

I hope you sign up and leave comments. I welcome all readers, especially friendly, chatty ones!

Click here to go back to Journey-Woman home page.

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