Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Thank You List

I'm also going to start a list of "thank you" messages. Each thank you will be intended for one or more specific people in my life. You may know who you are. If not, pick your favorite one that sounds like you, and feel free to believe that the message you picked IS intended for you.

From time to time, I'll post more thank you messages as they occur to me. For now, these will be a good start:

  • Thank you for seeing more positives in me than I can see in myself.
  • Thank you for putting everyone around you at ease.
  • Thank you for teaching me the beauty of quiet generosity.
  • Thank you for providing me reason when I am in chaos.
  • Thank you for defending me fiercely.
  • Thank you for sharing your memories.
  • Thank you for challenging me to be clever.
  • Thank you for your love of language.
  • Thank you for being good company.
  • Thank you for not letting me get away with too much.
  • Thank you for demonstrating strength of spirit through adversity.
  • Thank you for remembering old jokes.
  • Thank you for remembering my past.
  • Thank you for refusing to let old connections fade away.
  • Thank you for being willing to sing off key.
  • Thank you for your impeccably high principles.
  • Thank you for laughing at my jokes, and for laughing at me.
  • Thank you for opening your house to all the kids on the block.
  • Thank you for letting me offer advice -- whether or not you take it.
  • Thank you for growing up with me.
  • Thank you for sharing sappy movies with me.
  • Thank you for praising me and teasing me.

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