Sunday, January 28, 2007

Holes ... in Your Pants!

Brooke over at the Brookeshelf pointed me to John Green's In Your Pants book-title game. Take any book title (we're using children's books tonight) and add "In Your Pants" to the end. It's like the fortune cookie game, with a twist.

Brooke's got a few great suggestions here, and I've added a few to the comments on that post. My favorites that I've thought up so far are below, but feel free to add more suggestions!

Holes in Your Pants (Louis Sachar)

A Wind in the Door in Your Pants (Madeleine L'Engle)

Emily Climbs in Your Pants (L. M. Montgomery)


. said...

LOL, the first one that popped into my head was "The Secret Garden in Your Pants."

How about "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in Your Pants." Must be a big pair of pants!

Nancy said...

Great minds! The Lion... was one of my suggestions too. :)

Stidmama said...

I looked up on the shelf above my computer and saw (by Laurence Yep):
The Case of the Lion Dance in your Pants. [sounds crowded]