Thursday, January 04, 2007

Nancy, otherwise known as...

I was first offered this Aristocratic title:
Milady the Most Honourable Nancy the Deipnosophist of Giggleswick on the Naze

But opted instead for this one:
Lady Madame Nancy the Incontrovertible of Melbury Bumpton
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

(thanks to Lady Strathconn for pointing me in the right direction)


Anonymous said...

Fun! I kind of liked this one (for the mirthful part):

"Reverend Lady Fran the Mirthful of Tempting St Mary"

But this one had a better ring to it:

"Her Most Serene Highness Lady Fran the Intransigent of Chignall Smeally"

Nancy said...

Both are good Fran. I liked the word "incontrovertible" in mine.