Monday, September 04, 2006

Are You Nonseussical?

Dr. Seuss grew up in the same city I did, and graduated from my high school. The Mulberry street of To Think that I Saw it on Mulberry Street was just a few miles from my home.

Yes, I've always felt a special connection to Dr. Seuss.

Which is why I was horrified to only score a 2 out of 10 on this quiz.



. said...

Beat amazing 3 our of 10. Pretty sad for a kindergarten teacher.

Douglas Twitchell said...

ehh...i did the quiz, and then it gave me a new page which didn't have my quiz results anywhere.

Kind of odd.

But I can promise you, if I got more than two, it was by purest luck.

When you did the quiz, did it tell you what the correct answers were? I'm curious to know!

Nancy said...

Yes, it gave us the correct answers. Though on both the Austen and the Seuss quizzes, we had some disputes over the "official" answers.

Disco Mermaids said...

6 out of 10...woo-hoo!

That is too cool to have that connection with Dr. Seuss. Here are my two claims to fame: My grandma used to drive David Lee Roth of Van Halen to school and Weird "Al" Yankovic went to college and recorded his first song parody in the town where I now live.

Okay, I guess you've got me beat...

- Jay

Nancy said...

I don't know... I may be a bigger fan of Weird Al than I am of Dr. Seuss.... okay, maybe not.